Tuesday, 6 May 2014

DIY Banana Bread

As much as I like bananas there is a very small window of opportunity that they are just right.   Either under ripe or too ripe they are perfect for only a day or two.  What can I do with over ripe bananas?  I searched the internet for banana bread recipes only to discover that there are too many.  They are all similar with minor variations but how do I know which one to try?  Why is one better than another and how do I know which will be best? I came to the conclusion that there is no right way and why not just do it my way? So I amalgamated all of the six recipes that I looked at and this is how it turned out.

One thing I learned from reading so many recipes is that it doesn't really matter exactly what ingredients you put in.  However if you want to follow the rules rather than make up your own, this is what I did:
225g self raising flour
150g sugar
100g butter
2 eggs
3 ripe bananas
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
grated rind 1/2 orange
140g sultanas
almond essence

Having read a variety of methods I made up my own as I had not been organised enough to soften the butter and I couldn't be bothered to 'cream' the fat and sugar.  I also didn't have enough caster sugar so I mixed some caster with some soft brown.  I had intended to add vanilla essence but didn't have any so used almond.  The only reason I added orange rind was so that I could then squeeze the juice to add it to a glass of Amaretto! Preparation included lining and greasing a loaf tin and pre-heating the oven to 180 degrees C. 

I melted the butter and added the sugar mixing thoroughly with a whisk.  I then added the lightly beaten eggs and mashed banana, and then folded in the flour and bicarbonate of soda.  I gently added the sultanas, orange rind and almond essence and mixed it all with  a metal spoon.  I poured it into the loaf tin and cooked in the oven for 1 hour.  Having checked it I returned it for a further 10 minutes.  Cooled on a wire rack before turning out to cool completely.  Rather than have this as a piece of cake I served it for dessert with a mix of frozen summer berries which I simmered gently in blueberry liqueur and then liquidised. The final touch was a little vanilla yoghurt and hey presto ... a delicious new dessert created:

I would say don't be afraid to put your own stamp on a recipe ... or even create your own. This is the first time I have truly baked without following the rules.  Now I've created my own rules!  Thanks for looking and I hope you have a go.

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