Saturday, 5 April 2014

Honey, Mustard Roasted Beetroot

When I first decided to be a blogger I thought long and hard about my title.  A Crafty Glimpse allowed for a glimpse into the world of craft but also a sneaky glimpse into my life.  To date, my entries have all been craft related but I am now branching out into a culinary aspect of my life.  I love to eat and therefore I enjoy cooking. Several years ago I challenged myself to cook a new recipe every week for a year, and in the course of a year I tried 52 new recipes.  It was not hard to do and we enjoyed many new flavours.  Last week I decided to share some well loved recipes with our niece and challenged her to cook one new recipe a month.  I determined to send her a recipe in the first week of every month.  

As I now have a blog, what better way to share than on the world wide web.  So for any of you who are interested I shall be posting a new recipe in the first week of every month.  All recipes will be ones I have tried and loved and we start with 'Ruby Red Stunner'.  I originally found this recipe in a Somerfield magazine many years ago.  When I lost the original cutting I attempted to Google it but discovered that entering the recipe title in the search engine led to many undesirable results.  Therefore I shall call this recipe 

'Honey Mustard Roasted Beetroot'

This is not the best photo but I was getting hungry and the steam was rising and the camera found it hard to focus.  The recipe occasionally deviates a little from the original but that's evolution.

Cut the contents of a 250g vacpack beetroot  into wedges (I use fresh beetroot that I then cook in any quantity I fancy either steaming or boiling and then rub off the skins)  Place in an ovenproof dish with 3 halved shallots (I use onions if I haven’t got shallots), 2 thinly sliced garlic cloves and 2 bay leaves.  Season with salt and pepper and pour over 15ml (1Tbs) olive oil, stirring to coat evenly.  Roast at 180 degrees C, 350F, gas mark 4 for 30 minutes.  Combine 30ml (2Tbs) honey with 15ml (1Tbs) Dijon mustard and stir into the vegetables.  Roast for a further 10 mins until golden.

We enjoy this most with roast chicken but last night had it with grilled moose and it was just as tasty.  Enjoy!

Thanks for taking the time to drop by ... bon appetite!

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