My obsession with felt food is taking over my life and I have studied so many other sites and visited numerous Pinterest boards. In preparation for the visit of my granddaughters I have been stitching into the small hours. My first attempt at slices of bread leave a lot to be desired but I have consoled myself with the fact that at three years old they are unlikely to be critical. I will find out in 24 hours.
wholemeal bread slices with very uneven crusts
Having visited predominantly American sites this is peanut butter and jelly (jam to those of us on this side of the pond). It could be blackcurrant jam, and the brown splodge could easily be transferable to a savoury sandwich as pate. These are all machine stitched and after several false starts with setting the tension I realised I'd used the wrong colour thread but I certainly wasn't going to redo them.

Now for the savoury additions to make your own sandwich and some are machine stitched and others hand stitched with blanket stitch (something useful remembered from my childhood). I agonised over how to create tomato slices and had several sleepless nights (literally) trying to think about how to do it ... but I decided to stop procrastinating and just take scissor to felt. And I'm very pleased with the outcome, at least you can tell it's a tomato. The cucumber was much easier and I love the egg slices. The cheese is Swiss and the pink stuff is meant to be ham but could be luncheon meat. The lettuce leaf at the back is hidden as it is disastrous and not made out of felt. I think I'll have another attempt at a later date.
As the girls have a play barbecue and a fish cage I thought they ought to have a fish to cook. The examples I saw on line were either fish for swimming in the sea .. and who wants to cook Nemo? or so in depth in their construction they'd look better in an anatomy book. So I used my limited imagination and created an unknown species of fish small enough to fit on the barbecue:
This only leaves dessert and I couldn't be bothered to faff around with the incredible efforts of ice-cream cones and cupcakes that I've seen on line. I settled for a haphazard blob of ice-cream and stewed berries:
After all these efforts of food preparation for two weeks I have spent a happy hour playing in the children's playhouse and arranging the food ready for their visit tomorrow.
The kitchen hob is filled with breakfast cooking:
The vegetables are kept warm in a casserole in the oven
The second oven is keeping the pasta warm
And finally the table is laid with salad ingredients and cold pizza
There is a part of me that is worried the girls will not be interested in playing with this but it almost doesn't matter. I've had fun creating it and I thoroughly enjoyed arranging it all in the playhouse. And I can play with it any time I like! I might even branch out and creating it for other people's children. This is an addiction that is beneficial rather than harmful. I am sure that our grandson will enjoy it when he comes as he's already shown great interest in the plastic cakes and burger which was previously our only play food.
I hope it will still all be in place by tomorrow because some of the wood fairies are a little mischievous and they may decide to rearrange things when I turn my back.
After all .... they do have their own door!